Lancaster Royal
Grammar School

Sixth Form - Academic

"Sixth Form Provision - Outstanding"


LRGS is one of the country's top state grammar schools and the Sixth Form offers a challenging academic programme to boys and girls who want to study their A-levels in depth and with real interest.  We offer a broad and balanced range of subject options including several subjects (Economics, Business Studies, Classical Civilisation, Politics and Religious Studies and Philosophy) which are new to LRGS at Sixth Form level, not taken as GCSEs. 

See our latest Exam Results.


LRGS offers a broad and balanced range of subject choices which should enable any student to choose an interesting curriculum which they will enjoy and which will equip them for any university courses of interest.  We currently only offer A-levels, GNVQs and other qualifications are not part of our curriculum.  Subjects offered are:

  • Art
  • Biology
  • Business Studies
  • Chemistry
  • Classical CIvilisation
  • Computer Science
  • Design and Technology
  • Drama and Theatre Studies
  • Economics
  • English Literature 
  • French
  • Further Maths
  • German
  • Geography
  • Greek
  • History
  • Latin
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Physics
  • Politics 
  • Religious Studies and Philosophy
  • Spanish​​ 

Extended Project Qualification

The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is an additional qualification that we can offer to some of our Sixth Form students at LRGS.  It provides an opportunity for students to extend their abilities beyond the A-level syllabus and to stand out and prepare for university or their future career.  It can also be used to earn extra UCAS points, being worth the equivalent of half an A-level, and can lead to lower offers from universities and post-18 providers.

In order to apply for the EPQ at the start of your Lower Sixth year, you should have a topic in mind that you want to investigate and the desire to explore it in depth and to a level that goes beyond your A-levels.  The application process is rigorous and a small cohort of students go on to work to complete the EPQ. It should require you to look at demanding academic literature, possibly running your own primary research or delivering a practical outcome such as a sculpture, computer code or various other technical or artistic artefacts.  The EPQ is an excellent way of stretching your knowledge and understanding of an area that you feel passionately about and to show your ambition to study at a higher level, and with more independence.

Academic Overview from a Sixth Form Student

The Sixth Form at LRGS offers an opportunity to study subjects in more detail which can be both challenging and rewarding.  

The weekly timetable is divided into 35 periods, each 40/45 minutes, with the school day beginning at 8:50 and ending at 3:30. After a form period or year group assembly, there are three periods before a 20-minute break from 11:20 to 11:40. There are then two periods before lunch, from 1:05 to 2:05, after which there are a final two periods in the afternoon. For each subject there are 13 lessons a fortnight (because the timetable operates on a Week A, Week B system) giving you four hours 20 minutes of teaching each week.

All the teachers know their subjects inside out and the set sizes (on average from 8-20 students per class) are ideal for learning. On top of lesson time, the fortnightly timetable gives you eight study periods, which are invaluable to get homework done. The Sixth Form Centre, Library, Economics and Business study area, Science Resources Library and three computer rooms are available for use. 

Once a week there is a Tutor Period with your form teacher. As well as football, rugby, rowing, cross country, fitness, badminton, table tennis, hockey and athletics, mountain biking and cricket.

Academically, the Sixth Form courses at LRGS are stretching, but if you are ready to work hard and be organised then you should achieve an excellent set of results at A-level and be prepared to meet the requirements of the wider world once you leave.