Lancaster Royal
Grammar School

Health and Wellbeing

At LRGS we are proud to be a caring community.  We all take responsibility for pastoral care:  the students have a strong sense of loyalty to each other, the prefects act as tremendous role models to the younger students, and all staff provide additional support as well.  We aim to create an environment where each pupil is able to succeed in every aspect of their education as well as to flourish and thrive as an individual. We recognise that the health and wellbeing of our students is of paramount importance in achieving this.

We are proud of our support structure and as a school hope to be proactive in promoting good practices for health and wellbeing within school.

The Heads of Year are there to provide support and guidance, along with the school nurse and counsellors; the bpupils can at any point turn to a number of people. 

With boarding at the heart of LRGS, housemasters, tutors and matrons are also central figures in the pastoral welfare of our students, along with learning support staff and peer mentors.  

LRGS are proud supporters of the Time To Change campaign.


All pupils in Year 7 will take part the Penn Resilience Programme, building resilience and life skills. Values sessions are provided to all boys in a manner appropriate for their age and development, emphasising the importance of healthy living, family life, community involvement and personal relationships.


Our successful peer mentoring scheme, whereby older students support younger pupils, has been described by Ofsted as: 'an outstanding example of the School's care'.

Medical Centre

The Medical Centre is located in Storey House and is staffed by the School Nursing Sister and a Registered Nurse who are available throughout the school day and House Matrons provide out of hours medical cover.

Student Support

The Student Support team offer a confidential listening service to all students. We have a dedicated 'person centred' school counsellor and appreciate the value of additional CBT support and Transactional Analysis from external agencies.  Wyresdale House received funding from the Friends of LRGS to redecorate and provide furniture and equipment for a Quiet Room where pupils are welcome to relax and receive additional support. 

Mental Health First Aid

Sixteen staff completed a two day training course in Youth Mental Health First Aid run by the NHS.  They are now able to; identify the early stages of many mental health symptoms, provide a quicker recovery, guide pupils towards professional services and help to break the stigma of mental health issues.

Wellbeing Library

With thanks to a donation of £250 from the Friends of LRGS, we have acquired books for young people to support their emotional health and wellbeing.  The book titles are recommended nationally by The Reading Agency and have been compiled by mental health experts and in consultation with young people and will be really helpful in understanding and looking after our well-being. The books are also part of a 'Shelf Help' and 'Books on Prescription ' initiative that has involved GP's and other health professionals to collaborate with local libraries to support people with emotional well-being and mental health issues. The titles support issues such as bullying, low self-esteem, depression, ADHD, anxiety and teenage brain development. It is hoped that this will be a welcome and useful resource that classes may visit as part of their Values sessions.

Online Resources

Here are some links to external organisations and websites providing advice for pupils and parents that may be of use:

LRGS are supporters of the Heads Together campaign who are working to remove the stigma from mental health and get people talking #oktosay. We are also proud supporters of Time to Change who are leading the national 'Be In Your Mate's Corner' campaign.

Meditation and mindfulness made simple - Headspace 

Parents can access free educational guides to help identify mental health issues and how to support young people - Time To Change and Mind Ed

Lots of advice and guidance on various mental health issues from Mind and the Mental Health Foundation offer lots of publications on mental health.

Young Minds is a leading UK charity championing the wellbeing and mental health of young people.

Childline are available on the phone and online at any time.

Advice from the Sleep Council for better sleep and the effects of technology.

Healthy lifestyle advice for everyone from the NHS including some Apps to help manage your health.

North Lancashire Counselling Service are based in Lancaster and offer free counselling to over 18s.

The NHS have online leaflets that provide advice on a wide range of issues.