Friends of LRGS
Examples of the support given by the Friends of LRGS:
- Refurbishment of the Assembly Hall
- Funding for garden in Ashton boarding house
- ​Costumes for the musical Kiss Me Kate
- Double scull & cox box for Boat Club
Introduction to Friends of LRGS
The Friends of LRGS are a group of parents who support the school in many ways: the School Shop, fundraising, social activities, and help at school events. The Friends Committee meets regularly in an informal atmosphere to plan activities. Everybody is welcome to join or to help on an ad hoc basis.
The Friends of LRGS was set up in 1973 and since then we have raised over £325,000 to provide and assist in the provision of facilities for education in the School. We aim to provide a link between school and home and seek to give opportunities for parents to support the life and work of the school whilst making contact with other parents. All monies raised go to the school.
Here are more ways in which the Friends have supported the school:
Prizes for our in-house Masterchef competition
Benches and seating areas to encourage outside recreation and as part of the garden development project
Wellbeing books for the pastoral team
Drama group equipment
Warhammer Club supplies
Knitting club supplies
Raised beds and compost to increase biodiversity by growing flowers to encourage pollinators.
Design and Technology entrance and inspiring refurbishment of the foyer.
Historical Bids Include:
- Buoyancy aids for Canoe Club
- Electronic bulletin boards across the school
- Airbike trainer for the gym
- Film making equipment for Art
- Vinyl cutter for D&T
- Part funding for 3 defibrillators (a grant was kindly given by The Galbraith Trust to help buy them)
- Trampoline for PE
- Part funding for 3D printer for D&T
- IT equipment for Food Tech
- Funding for Creative Arts Festival
- Part funding for portable lighting for Drama
- Prizes for school competitions eg Poetry & Short Story
- Funds to help boys travel to competitions and events
Please support the Friends
Membership of the Friends of LRGS is automatic for all parents or guardians of boys attending the school. The committee has representatives of parents of boarders as well as day pupils. The circulation of notices is carried out via the pupils and via the school website.
We would be delighted if you could help us in any of the following ways:
- Come to our events. The next Friends' meeting is on Tuesday, 11th March at 7pm in The Sun Hotel, Lancaster. Further meetings are planned on 13th May and 1st July 2025 and are usually held in the Grab & Go in school.
- Book tickets early to help planning and catering
- Use the Friends' Shop
- Join a team of occasional helpers who assist with publicity and setting up an event
- Give us your fundraising ideas
- Please let us know if, through your work or through other forms of expertise and/or contacts, you could help with the activities of the Friends
How to contact us
School Office 01524 580600 Find us on Facebook or send a joining request by email.
View the latest newsletter below.
Friends' Shop
The shop is open on Fridays after school and Saturdays from 10–11am during term time.
The Friends’ Shop is located in Bay View Cottages on the top site, selling second hand uniform, coats and games kit, LRGS gifts and merchandise, books and stationery. The shop is not normally open on Bank Holiday weekends or in the holidays. The shop is entirely run and managed by volunteer parents from the Friends’ Committee, with all profits going back the school for benefit of the pupils at LRGS.
We are in urgent need of good quality rugby kit, blazers and other uniform to sell on. Please drop any donations at the shop, Lee House or City View. Thank you for your continued support!
If you shop online you can now benefit the Friends of LRGS at no extra cost to you, by registering at You will need to select “Friends of Lancaster Royal Grammar School” as the cause you wish to support. For every purchase you make at a selection of over 2,000 retailers (including Amazon, ASOS, Next, and via you'll raise a donation for the Friends of Lancaster Royal Grammar School. Please spread the word!
Friends' greetings cards
Christine Coleman has designed a unique series of LRGS greetings cards, which are for sale at the School Shop. With their humorous watercolour images, they are useful for all occasions.