Lancaster Royal
Grammar School

Sixth Form - Alumni

Life after LRGS

In a typical year, approximately 180 boys and girls will take their A-levels and leave school. Of these, almost all will have applied for university entrance via UCAS and will go straight away to their chosen course. A few will take a GAP year, starting university a year later having spent time working and travelling.

The range of universities and courses chosen by our leavers is very broad, across the whole country and subject range. In recent years, popular destinations have included Cambridge, Durham, Leeds, Loughborough, Manchester, Newcastle, Oxford and Sheffield. A well-organised programme of advice and guidance is available for those continuing their studies at university.

For those wishing to take a GAP year we invite some excellent speakers to present material to the boys – these are usually Old Lancastrians who are willing to share their experiences. Our Careers Adviser is also available to offer advice and work-related learning is available.

Old Lancastrian Club

As an LRGS pupil, whether for two years or seven, you will have made many friends and will be part of a strong network that can stay with you for the rest of your life. When you leave LRGS keeping in touch with your friends, the school and the staff can help you as you progress through the different phases of career. There will inevitably be older Old Lancastrians at your university who can help you find your way around. There will always be OLs in different parts of the country and the world who will be pleased to welcome you. When you apply for jobs, you will find there is an amazing network of OLs who can help to open doors for you.

Conversely, as you progress through your career you will have knowledge, experience and skills that you may like to share with students still at school. All former pupils remain within the family of LRGS. Membership of the Old Lancastrian Club costs just £15 per year, for which you receive an annual OL Newsletter and an OL tie or scarf.

To find out more about activities of our former pupils, please see the Alumni section of this website.