Lancaster Royal
Grammar School


The Music Department at LRGS has a large range of instrumental resources and an extensive music library. The music building provides dedicated instrumental storage and rehearsal spaces which students are able to book for independent practice and rehearsals. Department ICT facilities and specialist computer programmes enable all students to produce high quality work.

We have been busy integrating more music technology into the lessons at all key stages and are very proud to be one of just 12 UK schools that have recently been awarded Musical Futures/Ableton Tech Champion status.

We are very pleased to also be an Associate Department of the PTI.

The curriculum music lessons include a high proportion of practical activities and aim to widen the students' personal experiences of music, as well as giving them the skills that they require to be able to access musical activities at any stage of their lives.

Staff Profile 

Mrs R Martin, Director of Music, studied at Manchester University and the Royal Northern College of Music, graduating with a Masters in Performance, a PGCE with Specialist Strings and certificate in Dalcroze Eurythmics, before going on to spend several years as a violinist, performing with Opera North and the BBC orchestras, among others. She has taught at several specialist music schools, including the Purcell School and Junior RNCM, and taught at LGGS for many years before joining LRGS. Her desert island discs include Beethoven’s String Quartet Opus. 135Britten’s Death in Venice and Best of My Love by The Emotions. 

Mrs S J Edmondson,  BA (Hons) Creative Music Technology with Music, University of Hull; PGCE in Music, York St John College, University of Leeds. Mrs Edmondson joined LRGS in 2013, after having previously held posts both as a classroom Music Teacher and Head of Department for several years. She combines her role at LRGS with teaching the Piano and Violin both as a peripatetic teacher and as part of her own private teaching business, SJE Music. She is also an active musician performing regularly with original duo Black Pony. 

Email Music Department

Key Stage 3 Music

Boys have three lessons a fortnight in Year 7 and 8. There will be a mix of both theoretical and practical work in these lessons and rather than working with textbooks and exercise books, boys work is recorded via an online portfolio through which they chart their musical progress over the whole of Key Stage 3. They will often assess themselves and others in a positive way – challenging themselves and others to become more skilled as they move through the school.  

In Year 9 boys study music as part of the Expressive Arts Carousel, which currently focuses on Music Technology, using Ableton Live. Midway through Year 9 they will be asked to take their GCSE options, of which Music is one. If they enjoy GCSE Music they may wish to move on to A-level and maybe even on to a university or music college.  

Music is not entirely about pure music however. In all lessons boys will also be learning transferable skills:  how to work with other people, how to give positive feedback, how to accurately self reflect on how they can improve, creative thinking skills and independent learning are just a few of these.  

Music Outside the Classroom

There are many thriving musical groups within the school and it is anticipated that musical students will take an active part in these.  These can change from year to year, so boys should keep an eye on the noticeboards and take up the opportunities that arise if they appeal to them.  A full list of current activities is available on the Music area of the website and can be confirmed by Mrs Martin by email.  

Joint activities with Lancaster Girls' Grammar School form an important part of the school year. The Joint Orchestra meets weekly and the Joint Vocal Group, together with parents and staff perform alongside them at one of the highlights of the year - the annual Spring Concert, which this academic year will be held at Lancaster Priory church. 

LRGS Music puts on regular concerts in addition to our joint activities with LGGS – usually in November and March – but the most high profile events in the calendar are led by the choir. Our traditional Nine Lessons and Carols and Founders' Day Service are two of the most significant events in the school year. 

A European tour is usually undertaken regularly.  The LRGS Big Band and Choir took part in an exchange to Germany in 2013 and the LRGS Big Band, Training Band and Choir toured the Costa Brava in April 2014. We have visited Altenholz, Germany for a choir exchange across both the academic years 2014-15 and 2015-16 as well as hosting their choir in 2015 and their Jazz Band in 2017 The Big Band, Jazz Orchestra and Choir toured Tuscany in 2016 and Catalonia in 2018. 

Music Tuition at LRGS

We have an excellent range of music tutors at LRGS and your son may wish to continue having instrumental or singing lessons here or may wish to take up an instrument for the first time.  Please see the  letters below for details of these.

The completed form/parental contract should be  returned by 1 July, prior to  tuition starting the following September. We cannot guarantee a place with music tutors for September if forms are not received by 1 July.  

It is possible to begin music tuition during the school year but only at half-term intervals. 

Exams in Music 

In Years 7 and 8 exams take place in the summer term.  There is a listening and understanding paper which takes place in the main exam week. This will contribute 40% of your exam mark. You will be given a revision list for your exam before the Easter Holidays. 

There will also be a solo performance that you will be required to do in the summer term before your exam. This will be marked and make up 30% of your exam mark. You will find the performance mark scheme on the VLE and on Showbie. 

The last 30% of the examination mark is taken from a composition which is composed in class, in the style of coursework. A mark scheme is published in advance and can be found on VLE and Showbie.

There are no music exams in Year 9. You will instead be assessed continually throughout your carousel sessions. 

GCSE Music

We study the Edexcel GCSE. Please view the  'GCSE Music booklet' below for more information.

Music at Sixth Form

We follow the Edexcel Pearson specification. Please read our A-level Course Information sheet below for more details. 

Whether you take music as a subject or not there are of course many extra-curricular activities that you are very welcome to take part in. We look forward to seeing you in the Music Department.