Lancaster Royal
Grammar School

Letters to Parents

The current letters to parents are shown below with the most recent letter at the top of the list 

  1. Y9-U6 CCF Army Section Self-Reliance Expedition October 2024
  2. Y9-U6 CCF Army Section Brigade Cadet Skill at Arms Meeting September 2024
  3. Headmaster's Newsletter 5th July 2024
  4. Y10 and Y12 Lake District Bike Trip Letter
  5. Friends of LRGS - GrammarFest
  6. Friends of LRGS - GrammarFest update
  7. Headmaster's Newsletter 24th May 2024
  8. DofE Bronze Award information letter 2024
  9. Headmaster's Newsletter 26th April 2024
  10. L6 Biology students Biomedicine Masterclass at Lancaster University 17.6.24
  11. Y9-U6 CCF RAF Section Summer Camp August 2024
  12. Y10-L6 Proposed trip to Norway - Information for parents
  13. Friends of LRGS Gin Tasting event 8th June 2024
  14. Y10 GCSE History Students Battlefields Trip September 2024
  15. Headmaster's Newsletter 28th March 2024
  16. Headmaster's Newsletter 8th March 2024
  17. Y8 Geography fieldtrips to the River Wyre
  18. Headmaster's Newsletter 9th February 2024
  19. Headmaster's Newsletter 26th January 2024
  20. Y8 Parents' Evening 16th January 2024
  21. Headmaster's Newsletter 20th December 2023
  22. Y9-U6 CCF Army Section Exercise Night Owl January 2024
  23. Y9 Parents' Evening 14th December 2023
  24. Headmaster's Newsletter 1st December 2023
  25. Y11 Parents' Evening 6th December 2023
  26. Y11 and U6 Study Skills Workshop for Parents
  27. Headmaster's Newsletter 17th November 2023
  28. Y9-U6 CCF Army Annual Summer Camp July 2024
  29. Y9-U6 CCF West Highland Way Expedition
  30. L6 Biologists Lancaster University Biomedical and Life Science Department visit
  31. Friends of LRGS Burns Night poster
  32. Friends of LRGS Burns Night letter - 27th January 2024
  33. Headmaster's Newsletter 20th October 2023
  34. Y9-U6 CCF Remembrance Day Parade 12.11.23
  35. Y10 GCSE Science Live Lectures January 2024
  36. Y9 CCF RAF Inskip Experience November 2023
  37. Ys7, 8, 9, 11 and L6 Ski trip to Wagrain, Austria February 2025
  38. Headmaster's Newsletter 29th September 2023
  39. Y9, 11, L6, U6 CCF Army Section Michaelmas Field Day, Halton October 2023
  40. Y10 CCF Army Section Self-Reliance Expedition, Holcombe Moor October 2023
  41. Y9-U6 CCF Army CSAAM, Altcar
  42. U6 Parents' Evening 18th September 2023
  43. Compulsory school attendance letter 2023
  44. Bus Train Code of Conduct letter September 2023
  45. Lancashire County Council catching the school bus guide
  46. Headmaster's Newsletter 14th July 2023
  47. Headmaster's Newsletter 30th June 2023
  48. Strike Action 5th and 7th July 2023
  49. Letter re recruitment to the LRGS CCF
  50. Lancaster Royal Grammar School Careers Newsletter Edition 8
  51. Headmaster's Newsletter 9th June 2023
  52. DTPMen Vaccination Letter from Blackpool Teaching Hospitals 2023
  53. Headmaster's Newsletter 12th May 2023
  54. Strike Letter 27th April and 2nd May 2023
  55. Headmaster's Newsletter 31st March 2023
  56. Opportunity for Fixture Sponsorship at LRGS
  57. Y7 Outdoor Residential Trip, Halton June 2023
  58. Y9-U6 Letter CCF Army Section Exercise Mountain Meander
  59. Y9-U6 Letter CCF Army Section Summer Field day, Spadeadam
  60. Headmaster's Newsletter 17th March 2023
  61. Strike Letter 15th and 16th March 2023
  62. Ramadan 2023
  63. CCF Easter Camp only: Bedlam Paintball ParentalConsent WAIVER
  64. CCF Easter Camp only: CONSENT FORM
  65. CCF Easter Camp only: Questionnaire
  66. Y7 Parents: Online Safety Briefing letter March 2023
  67. Y10 Letter Parents' Evening 14th March 2023
  68. Headmaster's Newsletter 27th February 2023
  69. Y9-13 Letter CCF Swim Test 21st March 2023
  70. Y8 Geography Field trips to the River Wyre March 2023
  71. Y7 Letter Parents' Evening 2nd March 2023
  72. Headmaster's Newsletter 30th January 2023
  73. Strike Action 1st February 2023
  74. Y9-U6 Letter CCF Army/RAF Swim Test 21st February 2023
  75. L6 Parents' Evening 31st January 2023
  76. Headmaster's Newsletter 13th January 2023
  77. Y9-U6 Letter CCF Army Summer Camp 2023
  78. Y9-U6 Letter CCF Army Range Day, Altcar
  79. Y8 Parents' Evening and Options 17th January 2023
  80. Headmaster's Newsletter 16th December 2022
  81. Y9 Parents' Evening 5th January 2023
  82. Y9-U6 CCF Army Exercise Night Owl 27th to 28th January 2023
  83. Y7, 8, 9, 11 and L6th Letter Ski Trip to Zell am See 2024
  84. Y10-U6 Classics Students Letter Newcastle Classics Conference 2023
  85. Y11/L6 Letter LRGS CCF Army Gold DofE Award 22-24
  86. CCF Gold DofE Enrolment Form
  87. Y11 Letter Parents' Evening 7th December 2022
  88. Headmaster's Newsletter 18th November 2022
  89. October Pastoral Letter - Suicide and Sexual Harrassment
  90. Friends of LRGS Burns Night Letter
  91. Clerk to the Governors - Nominations for Parent Governor vacancies
  92. Y9-U6 CCF Easter Adventure Camp Letter
  93. Y9-U6 CCF Remembrance Day Parade Letter
  94. Headmaster's Newsletter 7th October 2022
  95. All Years - Compulsory School Attendance letter
  96. Headmaster's Newsletter 23rd September 2022
  97. Y9 Y11 L6 U6 CCF Army Michaelmas Field Day, Halton
  98. Poster - Salt Ayre Additional Needs sessions
  99. Bus/Train Code of Conduct Letter
  100. Guide to catching the school bus
  101. Y10 Set texts for GCSE English Literature
  102. Y9-U6 CCF Forecast of events for 2022-23
  103. Y7-10 Mobile Phone Policy update letter
  104. Y9 Letter from Blackpool Teaching Hospitals re DTP and MenACWY vaccinations
  105. Lancashire County Council School Bus Rules Leaflet
  106. School Bus Rules leaflet
  107. Yr 11 GCSE PE revision guides
  108. 550 Anniversary - Parent survey
  109. Attendance and punctuality letter
  110. Boarders' Spirituality
  111. Operation Encompass