The Medical Centre
The Medical Centre is located in Storey House and is staffed by a Registered Nurse who are available throughout the school day and House Matrons provide out of hours medical cover.
The Medial Centre is the hub for accident reporting and care/assessment of minor injuries and for First Aid. The reception area is full of leaflets and advice for health promotion. Pupils are able to have a ‘Well Young Person’ check, if they choose, to monitor their height, weight and blood pressure.
Advice and support is available for a wide range of health related issues including asthma and other chronic diseases. The staff can also provide advice on travel and vaccinations, sexual health, emotional health and wellbeing, drugs and alcohol and can assist in signposting to other confidential support services if necessary.
Medical Centre Opening Times: Monday to Friday 8am – 2.30pm
School nursing Sister Chris Moghaddam is available between 8am-2.30pm. Email or Tel: 01524 580624
Doctor’s Surgery Times: Monday and Thursday 8.30am – 9.30am for boarders requiring to see the Doctor. Dr Fairhurst, The Dalton Square Practice Tel: 01524 842200
Counselling Service: Wednesday 1.30am – 2pm Drop in service.